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Mar 10, 2009

Can Somebody Give Me An Umbrella Please?

Yes, I need an umbrella, because I am soaking wet with shower of Awards! Thank you friends for passing these lovely awards! Dear Rosie, Sanghi, Shama, Pooja passed these pretty awards to me. Aren’t they cute?

The rules for The Adorable Blog Award are:

Nominate as many blogs which show adorability, cuteness and charm. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.

Shama also tagged me for a meme of 25 facts about me. Thanks for the tag, but I have done a similar tag before Shama! Check it here: http://teluguruchi.blogspot.com/2008/02/ive-been-tagged-again.html and here: http://teluguruchi.blogspot.com/2008/09/long-queue-but-finally.html

Pooja, Pavithra and Gita also passed another pretty award.

The award states that-These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.

I wanted to pass these to all the wonderful bloggers, but for now I am passing these to:

ChamMeeraRekhaSuma RajeshMadhaviJZ

Enjoy your awards Friends! Please pass them on to some more friends and spread the cuteness around the blogs!

Here is one more thing I want to share with you, that added more happiness to the downpour of awards!

My Christmas Cookies and Christmas Cupcakes have won a second prize in the Santa’s Holiday Challenge which was hosted by JZ @ Tasty Treats. And JZ has mailed me this pretty gift card. The card was so cute and kept it as a keepsake. I wanted to buy something related to cooking with that card and went out to shop for some cooking books. But I couldn’t find one that I like, so thought of buying something useful for baking as these days I am getting more interest in baking. So here they are: A cookie sheet and a loaf pan. Thanks for the wonderful gift card JZ. I am glad I could participate in it!


Lavanya said... [Reply]

congrats on your awards uma..nice n meaningful title for the post :)

Cham said... [Reply]

Congrats , hey I will send may be two umbrellas , u ve plenty of awards pouring! Congrats to win, u deserve it! Thank u Dear to share with me, I ve a long pending of ackno, as usual :)

Madhu's cooking gallery said... [Reply]

Congrats on all your awards! wow so many!

Mahimaa's kitchen said... [Reply]

wwwow.. thank u so much for the awards uma. i am delighted!

i too got something from 20$ gift card that JZ gave me :) will post the pic later.. :)

Mahimaa's kitchen said... [Reply]

u know what, i have also created a picture collage and just posted in my blog under awards tab.. will include ur name as well there..

@the_whisk_affair said... [Reply]

Congrats on ur awards shower, Uma! Thanks for inviting me to drench in the rain with you! ;-)

And its so nice of you to post about the gift card, I really appreciate it..Its great to tell us what u bought with it as well :-). Happy baking!!

Vani said... [Reply]

Congrats on all the awards, Uma! Well deserved :)

Ashwini said... [Reply]

Congratulations Uma..Enjoy the well deserved awards..

Lakshmi said... [Reply]

Congratulations on your well deserved awards Uma. I can send you 2 umbrellas from Singapore ;-) aahaha..enjoy them dear. Thanks for thinking me for the award.

Meera said... [Reply]

Congrats on all your awards, Uma. Thanks for thinking about me too. Also, congrats for your christmas cupcakes/cookies win. Great job!!!

Sunshinemom said... [Reply]

Congrats! I am waiting for the stuff that is going to come out of those pans! Thanks so much for passing on the awards to me too!!

A_and_N said... [Reply]

Congrats! :)

Beyond Curries said... [Reply]

That's definitely a very cute card. Congrats on the 2nd place.

Savi-Ruchi said... [Reply]

congrats for the award & also for that special prize :)

Sum Raj said... [Reply]

thank u sooooo much for these wonderful awards..u surly deserve it...and its really nice to get from u uma..thanks again..

sriharivatsan said... [Reply]

Congrats on all your awards uma...itz celebration time foryou...

Deepa Hari said... [Reply]

Congrats Uma

Unknown said... [Reply]

ooohhhoooohhh contrats uma for the awards and for the 2nd place and happy baking Iam very happy to have this awards from you tanks aton uma good choice that you buy baking sheet and loaf tin waiting for your baking recipes thanks a lot once again

Pooja said... [Reply]

Congrats on second place and for your awards uma....

Sanghi said... [Reply]

Congrats on all the awards Uma..! Excellent Write-out! :)

jayasree said... [Reply]

Congrats on all those well deserved awards and the win too.
Looking forward to more baking stuff here. You definitely need more than one umbrella.

And thanks for passing the awards to me too.

Unknown said... [Reply]

Congrats on all your awards Uma. And on the win too! You truly deserve it.

Chitra said... [Reply]

congrats on ur awards and winning:)great!!

Saritha said... [Reply]

Very apt title uma,i just loved it
Congrats for the awards and for the prize

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Congrats on the awards,and u chose lovely gifts for urself
The card looks so cute,amazingly beautiful

Neha said... [Reply]

Congrats dear for ur awards, u deserve all of them..

Priya Suresh said... [Reply]

Congrats on ur awards Uma, u deserve all of them..Beautiful cake pans..hope to see many creative bakes from u soon!!

Shama Nagarajan said... [Reply]

Congrats dear for all ur awards...enjoy and have more fun

Indian Khana said... [Reply]

Nice post dear...Congrats on your awards :)

Finla said... [Reply]

I love the title. Congragulations.

Indrani said... [Reply]

congrats on your well-deserved awards and challenge win, Uma...happy holi to u and ur family

sra said... [Reply]

Congrats, enjoy the soaking!

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Congrats on your awards uma.

Unknown said... [Reply]

thanks dear for the awards,,thats a good idea to use the gift card so thoughtfully..eagerly looking foraward for bakes from you..

FH said... [Reply]

Haha! great title! Enjoy the awards and a win! :)

Trupti said... [Reply]

Congratulation Uma on all awards. enjoy them. Thank you very much for thinking of me. Check here. you forgot one thing for Friends award.

Now waiting for cookies, cakes, bread recipes from you :)

Adlak's tiny world said... [Reply]

ha ha ha very impressive heading.. congrats for award and winning the prize... u deserve it uma.

no unbrella for you u have to get wet more and more.. venumna nan cold and caugh ku medicine tharen he he he....

Anonymous said... [Reply]

What a wonderful news to share with. It looks you made century or may be more in awards winning. my heartfelt appreciation and wish you to get many more which will become a thunderstorm.
I really happy to see how much following you have the main key for any ones success. Single day 40 comments. Isn't that cool.
Best wishes
-Nature Lover

Anonymous said... [Reply]

What a wonderful news to share with. It looks you made century or may be more in awards winning. my heartfelt appreciation and wish you to get many more which will become a thunderstorm.
I really happy to see how much following you have the main key for any ones success. Single day 40 comments. Isn't that cool.
Best wishes
-Nature Lover

Srivalli said... [Reply]

Thats a great news uma...enjoy!

kamala said... [Reply]

Like ur innovative recipes the title is also innovative Uma..Congrats girl U deserve it

Roshni said... [Reply]

Congrats, Uma!! You deserve it!

Archy said... [Reply]

Hey, congrats on ur well deserved award Uma... Enjoy !!

Pavithra Kodical said... [Reply]

Congrats on your awards Uma..And congrats for winning in the event too:)Enjoy.

KonkaniBlogger said... [Reply]

Congrats on your well deserved awards Uma and also on your win! Enjoy.

Priya Sriram said... [Reply]

Congrats on all those lovely awards Uma! The gift card looks very cute! :)

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Congrats Uma...you truly deserve it :)

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Congrats Uma...you truly deserve it :)

lubnakarim06 said... [Reply]

Congratulations....Wishing to taste some yummy loafs from you dear.....

Daily Meals said... [Reply]

Wow Uma! Congrats on your awards and prize...

Sia said... [Reply]

ha ha ha Uma. liked the title. it sure is raining awards in blogsphere. :) congrats girl.

Deepthi Shankar said... [Reply]

congrats on the awards .. You deserve it

AnuSriram said... [Reply]

congrats! I too have these waiting for u in my blog to be collected! Pls accept! Congrats on your win!

karuna said... [Reply]

congrats on all ure awards, and many more to come

Rama said... [Reply]

Congrats on your awards Uma...

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Thanks for dropping by! Your comments and suggestions are most welcome. Hope to see you again! -Uma

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