A guilt-free and yummy snack |
Here is another simple and delicious chat that makes a perfect afternoon snack. This is so instant if you have some rice krispies cereal in your pantry. This is a healthy option for a fat-free snack.
This is how I prepare it:
- 1 cup Rice Krispies Cereal
- ¼ cup roasted, husked Peanuts (I used Planters Peanuts)
- ¼ cup Onions, chopped fine
- 1 tsp Lemon Juice
- ¼ cup slivered Almonds
- A handful of Cilantro, chopped fine
- ½ tsp red Chili Powder
- Salt to taste
- Just mix all the ingredients and enjoy with a hot cup of tea/coffee or just like that.
- This is a healthy snack for any time of the day.
- It is that simple! :)
A closure look |
Happy Ugadi to you and your family uma chat looks so crisp and yum yum
Happy Ugadi :)
and this is such an easy and delicious recipe... love the addition of almonds :)
Happy Ugadhi to you and your family, Uma.
Chat looks crisp and its healthy too. Liked almonds in it.
hey u have wonderful recipes perfect to send to my event...y dont u have a look here and send one ?
reader lo add chesesukunna...malla vachestha :D
Happy ugadi to and to ur family uma,have a great day.....
Mmm Delicious snack..! Happy Ugadi..!
Inviting snack Uma! Wonderful click!
Delicious snack uma..Wish you and your family a happy ugadi..
Chat sounds good and happy Ugadi!
Thats a very good snack recipe..
Happy Ugadi !
I love that you used rice chrispes, chat looks so yumm.
looks very crunchy and yummy.
Happy ugadi to your family.
Yummy! I make Bhelpuri with rice crispies too! :)
mmm..yummy! i may land up overeating this tho..peanuts are my fav!!
Nice idea to use rice krispies :) We always end up buying mamra at the Indian store. The chaat looks gooooood :)
Chaat with rice krispies sounds yum!
wishing u and ur loved ones a very happy Ugadi :)
chaat looks yumm....will be making this for my afternoon snack today:)
Happy Ugadhi! Nice and east chat!
Very innovative, and sounds yumm. Lovely idea
Happy Ugadi to u and ur loved one
That is a guilt free and quick snack!
Quick, easy and very yummy :)
Slurp!! Uma, I love the pcitures, they show detail and its making me **HUNGRY**!
Thanks for you enthusiastic participation in Lets go nuts : almonds.
Happy Ugadhi Uma....chat looks simple and delicious...nice clicks.
Happy Ugadi Uma...looking fwd to check out your spread!..:)
Happy ugadi Uma..
Prefect entry for the events, SImple n delicios also very tempting snacks..
Happy Ugadi to you and your family uma.
Chat looks so tempting.
Thats very innovative uma.. Looks tempting!
Wow...that looks scrumptious...very tempting.
Wish you and your family a very Happy Ugadhi Uma.
Happy Ugadi dear! Chaat looks yum.
Happy Ugadi & they look awesome dear
Happy Yugadi Uma. Can we use Pori which we will use for bhel.Looks yum.
Nice recipe. Hope you had a great Ugadi Uma.
Happy Ugadi Uma! This is such a delicious and easy chat, thanks dear :)
oh that's a very healthy snack.. looks great uma.
chat looks yummy! love the idea to add almonds! healthy one too!
Healthy chat Uma..Love to try this.
Very nice Uma. Healthy and yummy!
This looks very good, but be careful with Planters peanuts, they are not vegetarian because they have gelatin.
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